Lillian is Six Months Old Today.
I can't believe my baby girl is already 6 months old
It seems like she was just born and she is already so big
Lilly's Stats & Achievements:
- She is 16lbs (15lb 15.5oz) 26in. long.
- She wears 3-6 mo size clothes and some 6 mo.
- She wears a size 2 diaper
- Her favorite foods are Sweet Potatoes, Bananas, and Peaches.
- She has about 6 oz of formula 4-5 times a day and has 2 4oz jars of baby food everyday.
- She goes to bed at about 9:30 and wakes up at about 8
and she takes about 2 1.5-2 hour naps a day - She can't crawl yet but she can roll everywhere and turns around on her tummy to face different directions
- She loves to "pet" the kitties
- She tries so hard to sit by herself but usually ends up falling over trying to reach for things
- Her favorite toy right now is paper because she can squish it and rip it and it makes fun noises.
Other News of the Day...
Lilly got her FIRST Halloween costume today, she is going to be a little spider.
I'm looking forward to dressing her up ans showing her off but I only wish that Mr. W could be there to see her and have fun with us.
Also I got my Starbucks gift card that I won on the Huggies rewards website
but sadly living on a living on an Army post the system is through AAFES
so it doesn't work yet... but they said "it should work by the end of the month".
so hopefully I can get my frappuccino on soon!