Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lilly's Half Birthday

Lillian is Six Months Old Today.

I can't believe my baby girl is already 6 months old
It seems like she was just born and she is already so big
Lilly's Stats & Achievements:
  • She is 16lbs (15lb 15.5oz) 26in. long.
  • She wears 3-6 mo size clothes and some 6 mo.
  • She wears a size 2 diaper
  • Her favorite foods are Sweet Potatoes, Bananas, and Peaches.
  • She has about 6 oz of formula 4-5 times a day and has 2  4oz jars of baby food everyday.
  • She goes to bed at about 9:30 and wakes up at about 8
    and she takes about 2 1.5-2 hour naps a day
  • She can't crawl yet but she can roll everywhere and turns around on her tummy to face different directions
  • She loves to "pet" the kitties
  • She tries so hard to sit by herself but usually ends up falling over trying to reach for things
  • Her favorite toy right now is paper because she can squish it and rip it and it makes fun noises.

Other News of the Day...

Lilly got her FIRST Halloween costume today, she is going to be a little spider.
I'm looking forward to dressing her up ans showing her off but I only wish that Mr. W could be there to see her and have fun with us.
Also I got my Starbucks gift card that I won on the Huggies rewards website
but sadly living on a living on an Army post the system is through AAFES
so it doesn't work yet... but they said "it should work by the end of the month".
so hopefully I can get my frappuccino on soon!

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Go Pack Go!

    So last night was Monday night football and sadly The Packers lost to The Bears. But we all still have team spirit!


    They are only 2-1 so hopefully things go better from now on!

    On another note... 
    I recently found a nice hard cover BLANK journal and I have decided to use it during Mr.W's deployment. I think its main topic is going to be Lilly's daily activities and achievements, Then when he returns he can read it and a more descriptive daily look into her growth while he was away. AND I found an empty photo album that is large enough that if I take 2 photos a week of Lilly for a year than it will be full as kind of a growth chart for Mr.W to see when he returns.

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    If I were rich...

    So with my husband being an army man and
    Me being a SAHM we aren't rich...
    BUT we aren't poor either, we just don't have alot of extra money.
    If I were rich though, even just for a day these are the times that I would buy...

    I've borrowed a friends' pair before and they are like heaven... sadly I've been wearing my $12 Walmart FUGGS for about 2-3 years and I think its time to upgrade.
     And I would definitly get Lilly a matching pair.

    An Apple iPad!
    I got to use/play with one on my last trip to New Orleans at BestBuy,
    and in my personal opinion they are freaking awesome. too bad the cheapest one is around $500

    Living in Louisiana it doesn't get too cold but we did have snow last year and it would be nice to have a new warm coat for Fall / Winter to stay nice and cozy warm.

    I say this mainly because mine is about to kick the bucket, but I figure if I'm gonna get a new one I might as well make it a good one.

    And now for the little things...

    Lilly Birth necklace       Jazzy Toes Socks ( For Lilly)          Nail polish

    So those are just some of the things I would buy if I actually had the money. Maybe once my Hubby deploys I'll splurge a little

    Sunday, September 26, 2010

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Milspouse Friday Fill-in #14

    So far today is going good. My hubby got the day off which means we have a three day weekend... YAY!
    the only bad part about it is we have absolutely no money to go and do anything. Oh well I'm just gonna try and enjoy our time together and maybe even to go a park or something.

    Milspouse Friday Fill-in

    What characteristic about yourself has either been strengthened or weakened due to your experience as a Military Spouse? (from The Albrecht Squad)
     I usually run on schedules and as a military spouse... thats not really possible with all the last minute changes of time and place, not really knowing when he will be home or when he has to go (for example: we only know he is deploying next month... not a specific date)

    What is your favorite vacation spot and why? (from ‘Tis the Life of the Army Wife)
     I don't know if its really considered a vacation but I love going home to Michigan during the winter, because its a great change in climate, scenery, and different faces. I like being able to watch it snow and just be with my family and old friends.

    If you could have any fast-food restaurant in the food court on base/post what would you pick? (from The Only Pink in a House of Blue)
     That's a tough one because everything i can think of is either on post or right out the main gate. I don't know if its actually fast food but we don't have a Boston Market ... Yummmmm

    Where did you go on your honeymoon?  (from Pennies from Heaven)
     Sadly due to the expenses of our wedding and driving from MI to LA we couldn't afford an actual honeymoon, but the night of our wedding we did get a fabulous hotel room away from everyone else and had a very romantic night.

    If you could have any job in the world regardless of money, degree or experience, which job would you have and why? (from Proud to Be a Navy Family and The Calm Before The Storm)
    I think I would be an illustrator, I love to draw and paint and I would love to be able to depict a story in my own way that others can appreciate.

      Wednesday, September 22, 2010

      Hello Fall

      It's officially FALL and I'm looking forward to some cooler weather here in Louisiana.
      I generally like fall but I'm having some mixed emotions about it this year.

      Slightly sad because Mr.W with be deploying soon, but all I can do as of now is make the best of our time while he is still here I think I would regret it if i took any of this time for granted.
      On the bright side of things... they are going to be having a pumpkin patch here on post. Its not until next month but I think it will be a nice fall event and would be a great opportunity to get some cute fall pictures of Lilly. We got the Flowers for spring, the Beach for summer, (hopefully) Pumpkins for fall, and Snow for winter! (we're going to Michigan for Christmas)

      I just realized today is Wednesday which means Lilly will be 6 months old in exactly one week. Its so hard to believe that she is already that old. Its just so amazing sometimes. We are still looking for Lilly's Halloween costume hopefully we find one soon.

      Monday, September 20, 2010

      Milspouse Friday Fill-in #13

      Milspouse Friday Fill-in

      I know this entry is like 3 days late but I just found this project on another blog and I thought it would be an excellent way to answer some questions asked by others. (Click the picture above to see the blog of the woman how came up with this great concept)

      How do you spend your deployment money, do you save, pay off bills or enjoy the extra money while it is there to buy the things you do not normally have? (from Troop Petrie)
      I have yet to go through a deployment while married, so I can't give an official answer on what I DO, but I can tell you what I plan to do, Save to get my husband the pick up truck he wants as well as a possible trip to Disney World. Pay off credit card bills and other bills, and I do plan to try and get some new furniture for my living room.

      If you could relive one occasion or moment, what would it be? (from Currently On Land)
      I'd have to say the birth of our beautiful little girl, I don't think I've ever been happier or felt so much love for anyone in my life. I had my family there to share in the joy of meeting mine and the hubs little creation.

      What’s the worst job you ever had and if it was so bad why did you take it? (from Faith and Deploying)
      I think when I worked as a kids karate instructor/karate studio cleaning lady. I took the job to pay for my lessons, but in the end I was just cleaning and teaching all the classes and wasn't learning anything new for myself.

      If you could play any character on TV, who would you be?  (from Many Waters)
      Haha. Its gonna sound kinda lame but I would be Rachel from GLEE... I LOVE that show and I love to sing. Plus I think the confidence she has in her abilities to sing and act is a great thing to have.

      If you could become the world’s expert in something, what would it be? (from Army of Two)
      Music and the musical art... I really do love music and to be able to listen to a piece of music and decipher it and to be truely moved by it is a beautiful thing.

      My Halloween Dilemma

      With Halloween just over a month away I'm still in search of a costume for Lilly's first Halloween.
      My husband doesn't understand why it's such a big deal for her to be dressed up "because she won't remember it anyways." But as I seem to have to tell him every time it comes up... Its her FIRST Halloween!
      So here are some ideas I've come up with:

      • Ladybug
      • Bumble Bee
      • Little Lamb

      • Fairy
      • Skeleton
      I'm trying to wait and see what else comes out in the stores around here but so far the selection isn't too good.
      And I was wanting to do some kind of matching/coordinated costumes like I can be Mary and she can be my little lamb or I'll be a ladybug and she can be the bumble bee or vice-versa. I don't know about my hubby though, mostly because we aren't sure if he will still be here or if he will be deployed, either way we will do our best.

      Saturday, September 18, 2010

      The First Of Many.

      My name is Kaitlyn Waye. I'm an Army wife and a Mother.
      I currently live on Fort Polk in Louisiana.

      I've created this blog to chronicle some of the things I do with my Family for my friends and rest of my family to see.