Tuesday, January 22, 2013

PCS Update #2

Mr.W has started his pcs leave and now its just a matter of time. The only thing left to clear is housing and that doesn't happen for over a week. They are coming to pack up our house in a couple days, and its going to be about 4 days earlier than we thought, so we will be with close to nothing for almost a week until we leave post.

Still waiting for Logan's passport and visa. We are really hoping that the passport will be there before we have to leave so that way we can just sign it and send it back for the visa.

We went and bought a baby carrier this weekend. We are hoping it will make traveling through the airport with 2 kids and NO husband a little easier on me but we will just have to wait and see. We will most likely be leaving for home before Mr.W flies out just so we don't  have to mess with the car seats and we can just leave them in the car when it ships.

we are stilll in the process of sorting out what to bring and what to toss/sell. I've sold alot of Lilly's older toys and thrown away alot of the little "happy meal" type toys. now we are getting into clothes to take or toss and oh man, i didn't realize just how much stuff we had. lilly's clothes is all sorted and i'm just starting on me and Mr.W.

but thats all I have time for right now, back to cleaning!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

You know you have a toddler when...

You can't use the restroom with out having to lock the door and hearing *knock knock* "what you doing in there?!"

You watch more cartoons than anything else.

You have a fridge and pantry full if "kid" food instead of things you would actually like to eat.

You can't find them because they locked themselves in the dogs kennel.

They dress themselves and it looks like this...

You get nervous when they are too quiet.

You have to watch what you say, because they will repeat every word.

You can't watch into a single room without finding some kind of toy.

Your house turns into World War III if you don't have food for them the moment they ask for it.

You can't go on a 5 minute car ride to the store without bringing their favorite blanket and/or stuffed animal.

You are driven crazy on a daily basis, but they still manage to make you smile through it all.

At the end of the day Lilly might drive me a little crazy, but I still love her and Logan more than anything else in the world.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

PCS Update

So originally we were told we were going to Vicenza, then Mr.W got orders to Livorno, and now we are going to Vicenza again. Hopefully the army doesn't change it again.

Mr. W is flying out at the beginning of February and sadly me and the kids won't be able to go right away because we have to wait on Logan's passport and visa to come back, and that will be a minimum of 6 weeks wait from now. It sucks that we are going to be separated again but at least it won't be for too long.

Our house is being packed up at the end of the month and will be in Italy sometime in march hopefully.

I'm really excited to go to Italy but the process of getting there is becoming more and more stressful and I can't wait until we are finally there and all settled in!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking back on 2012

2012 was a great year for our family.
We added two new members to the family,
I got my first "real job",
Mr. W reenlisted,
Lilly became a big sister,
We went to our first Green Bay Packers game,
I took my first (legal) drink,
We found out we will be moving to Italy,
We made some new friends,
And had to say goodbye to others.

It was fun and I wouldn't change a single moment of it, but we are ready for new start and can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us...

Here is a quick photo recap of this past year.