Mr.W has started his pcs leave and now its just a matter of time. The only thing left to clear is housing and that doesn't happen for over a week. They are coming to pack up our house in a couple days, and its going to be about 4 days earlier than we thought, so we will be with close to nothing for almost a week until we leave post.
Still waiting for Logan's passport and visa. We are really hoping that the passport will be there before we have to leave so that way we can just sign it and send it back for the visa.
We went and bought a baby carrier this weekend. We are hoping it will make traveling through the airport with 2 kids and NO husband a little easier on me but we will just have to wait and see. We will most likely be leaving for home before Mr.W flies out just so we don't have to mess with the car seats and we can just leave them in the car when it ships.
we are stilll in the process of sorting out what to bring and what to toss/sell. I've sold alot of Lilly's older toys and thrown away alot of the little "happy meal" type toys. now we are getting into clothes to take or toss and oh man, i didn't realize just how much stuff we had. lilly's clothes is all sorted and i'm just starting on me and Mr.W.
but thats all I have time for right now, back to cleaning!
but thats all I have time for right now, back to cleaning!