Our stuff is packed and on its way to Italy!
It is finally sinking in that we are actually moving.
Mr. W is in Italy now, but me and the kids had to stay behind for a bit just until we got Logan's passport and travel arrangements have been made. Lucky the passport arrived in the mail today, but we are still working on the travel part.
Anyways before Mr W left we drove to Dallas and had some family fun. We took Lilly to the Fort Worth zoo and the legoland discovery center. She had so much fun and we were able to stay and visit with some family while we were there (a big thanks again guys) Lilly absolutely loves my cousins and I was so happy they got to meet Logan before we leave. I don't have all the pictures because Mr. W has the main camera but here are just a few from Texas.

Lucky for us Mr. W's mom was able to come down and help me drive back up to Michigan since we weren't able to take the car. We had a pretty good time and the kids did a little better than expected, Lilly enjoyed watching movies and playing, but poor Logan was not liking the carseat at all. But we made it safe and sound, and the kids are delighted to be out of the car.
Today Lilly got to go play in the snow and visit with her great grandpa for a little bit. But I think all the moving around is getting to her because she doesn't want to sleep in the bedroom that they have for her here. Instead she insist on sleeping with Logan in the crib. Originally it was supposed to be in my bed with me, but we discovered last night that she just wants to be with him. we found that she snuck out of bed and climbed into the crib. I was quite surprised to say the least.
I don't have much else for now, but I'll post more as our journey continues.