Lillian is eight months old today and I can hardly believe it!
Lillian's 8 Month Stats:
- She is wearing size 3 diapers
- She is finally fitting into 6-9 months clothes (and people think she is big for her age)
- She cut her first tooth and LOVES to bite with it
- She is a pro at crawling and have recently figured out how to do a speed crawl.
- She has figured out how to pull herself up to standing and has figured out how to get down from standing (without) falling.
- She's started eating REAL food (a.k.a. Non- pureed) She especially likes blueberry snack puffs, Mac n' Cheese and pretty much anything she sees me eating.
- She eats 3-4 Six-ounce bottles a day, depending on how much other food she has.
- She holds her own bottle when she eats and still tries to figure out how to eat it without laying on her back.
- She takes 2 naps a day about an hour and a half long each
- She still sleeps from 9 p.m. - 8 a.m. sometimes longer, but I'm definitely not complaining
- She has taken a sudden interest in on of her blankets. She barely used it before I got it as a distraction and now she is in love with it.
It has been an exciting month and Mr. W and I can't wait to see what happens in the months to come. We love you baby girl.
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