1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
Went to a Green Bay packers game, which me and Mr.W have wanted to do for a long time.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I honestly don't remember my resolutions from this year, but definitely making more this year.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Can I count myself for this?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no.
5. What places did you visit?
We didn't get to get out of the state much this year. We went to Houston a couple of times and to Michigan at the very end.
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
More time with my kids... i worked alot this year.
7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 18th, We found out I was pregnant
September 28th, Mr.W renenlisted for 4 more years in the army.
November 30th, Logan Kallen was born.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting my first "real job"
9. What was your biggest failure?
I haven't a clue... so obviously there was no major failure(s)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing Major.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
The DVD player for our car... it was a huge lifesaver on all the longer car rides.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Lillian, She is only 2 and she did really well with me and Mr.W working all the time and then when the new baby came.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Some former coworkers, who shall not be named.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Bills...where else would i spend so much money?
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The birth of Logan.
16. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Die Young by Kesha
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter?
c) richer or poorer?
poorer :(
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Gotten away from the stress of fort Polk.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worried, but that will always happen. can't help it.
20. How did you spend Christmas in 2012?
White! we were able to make it home to michigan.
21. Did you fall in love in 2012?
Over and over again.
22. What was your favorite TV program?
23. What did you do for your birthday in 2012?
Got drunk...i did turn 21 ya know!
24. What was the best book you read?
Hunger games... all of them.
25. What did you want and get?
A job!
26. What did you want and not get?
away from fort polk. We have been here for way too long.
27. What was your favorite film of this year?
21 jump street. its so funny!
28. Did you make some new friends this year?
yes, and i'm going to miss them all so much when we move!
29.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
seeing more new things and places
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
Casual, I was pregnant for most of the year so i tried to dress as comfortably as possible.
31. What kept you sane?
My Kids. They might makes me nuts sometimes, but they need me.
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
No one in particular
33. What political issue stirred you the most?
equal rights for ALL
34. Who did you miss?
all my friends who had to move.
35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
appriciate everything that you have, because you never know when it could be gone.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Ho ho ho!!!
Merry Christmas!
So as some of you may know we went to Michigan for Christmas this year. Needless to say its been a blast so far! We went to our first green bay Packers game, took Lilly sledding and taught her to make snow angels, spent some quality time with our family, and woke up and exchanged gifts.
Lilly was so excited when she saw all of the gifts that Santa had brought for her. She wanted to play with every toy as she opened them. Once they were all open she couldn't decide what she wanted to play with.
Logan even got a couple of things. Obviously he isn't old enough to understand what was going on but he was not left out.
Once all the gifts were unwrapped and some toys opened for Lilly we went to grandpa's house for dinner. Now everyone is home and napping (except for me).
I'm so thankful that Mr. W and I had the opportunity to come home for the holidays and to give our kids a wonderful Christmas. And I just wanna say before I end this post, we all need to be thankful for what we receive this holiday season because not everyone is so lucky. I hope everyone had a great holiday!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Go Pack Go!
It might take awhile but I can't wait to go to another game in the future.
Monday, December 17, 2012
So as I told you all in my last post, my dad came to visit us. We had a great time and I am so happy that he got to spend some time with us and the kids close to the holidays. I know we will see him next month but its still sad to see him go. On the bright side this next month will be alot of fun and we will be pretty busy, which means more posts to keep everyone updated on the happenings of our family!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Mommy Monday: December
So since I'm no longer doing "Tummy Tuesday" (for the obvious reason) I've decided to do a monthly "Mommy Monday." Basically it's going to be a monthly update on the kids, from their mommy's point of view. So here goes nothing...
Age: 2yrs 9mos
Height: 3ft
Favorite food: hotdogs with ketchup
Favorite color: pink
Favorite animal: penguin (aka whoa whoa)
Other: Lillian had a very exciting month. She became a big sister, had her grandpa come visit, took a trip to Michigan, saw her gammy and papaw, and had a super Christmas, where Ashe was spoiled rotten.
Age: 1 month
Height: 22in
Weight: 9lbs
Other: Logan also had a great month. He got to see his grand parents for the first time,and even got to celebrate his first Christmas.
Age: 2yrs 9mos
Height: 3ft
Favorite food: hotdogs with ketchup
Favorite color: pink
Favorite animal: penguin (aka whoa whoa)
Other: Lillian had a very exciting month. She became a big sister, had her grandpa come visit, took a trip to Michigan, saw her gammy and papaw, and had a super Christmas, where Ashe was spoiled rotten.
Age: 1 month
Height: 22in
Weight: 9lbs
Other: Logan also had a great month. He got to see his grand parents for the first time,and even got to celebrate his first Christmas.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The First Week
Baby Logan is already a week old and I can't believe how time has flown. Lilly is doing very well with him and just wants to help with every little thing. My dad has also come down to visit and Lilly is loving every minute. He even bought her a "big sister present" which was a little people Disney princess castle complete with all the princesses and cinderella's carriage. And she has played with it everyday since she got it.
Lilly is having so much fun with her grandpa and dad since he is on his paternity leave. We have gone to the park and even the zoo. She "helped" me with Logan in the car while we drove to the zoo. She held his bottle to feed him an even held his hand when he started getting cranky. I think it's safe to say she is really enjoying being a big sister.
Logan is becoming more active everyday and his sleep schedule is starting to fall into place. He's awake right now which is why I'm posting so late and from my phone. Thankfully he is slowly falling back asleep so I'll leave you all with some picture from the past week.
Goodnight everyone!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Logan Kallen Waye
Born at 8:34 a.m. On Friday, November 30th, 2012. Measuring 8lbs. 1oz. and 21in. long.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
48 Hours
So I went to the doctor today for a check up on me and baby. We found out that I only dilated 1cm in the past week, even with the minor contractions. But the good news is that I am scheduled for induction on Friday! and just to clarify, its not due to any medical problems. I'm overdue now and very uncomfortable, plus with our move coming up we have a lot to do that can't be done until little man gets here!
I'm just really looking forward to finally meeting him and getting back to myself again. Its hard to be my happy upbeat self when I'm so uncomfortable 97% of the time.
Plus my dad is coming to visit for a couple weeks so its gonna be a very busy and exciting weekend for us and I cant' wait!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (40 Weeks)
It's officially my due date,
but baby is still hiding!
- How far along? 40w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 18 lbs.
- Maternity clothes? Pretty much living on sweatpant and tshirts this past week. they are the most comfortable
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: Bahaha... I'll sleep when I'm dead!
- Best moment this week: Thanksgiving Dinner!
- Miss Anything? Sitting comfortably, laying down comfortably, eating without heartburn, being able to get up by myself... the list goes on and on.
- Movement: Starting to slow down but when he does move I feel like exploding.
- Food cravings: Hot Chocolate ♥
- Food aversions: Anything Barbecue.
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Lots of pressure and very minor contractions (not strong/frequent enough)
- Symptoms: Too many to type.
- Belly Button in or out? half way out, seriously.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Dad coming to visit and hopefully having a baby!
Please note my photobombing dog in the corner...what a nerd!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (39 Weeks)
Its a day late, but better late than never, right?
- How far along? 39w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 17 lbs.
- Maternity clothes? Everything except one pair of jeans and i still have to wear my bella band with them.
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: All I want to do, but baby has other things in mind for me.
- Best moment this week: Getting everything ready for baby.
- Miss Anything? The list is far too long.
- Movement: A lot of strong ones... he's definitly running out of room.
- Food cravings: Can't quite put my finger on it.
- Food aversions: Barbecue
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Baby is dropping and lots of Braxton-Hicks
- Symptoms: Too many to type.
- Belly Button in or out? half way out, seriously.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Thanksgiving and Having this baby!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Move Along
So one chapter has closed in my life as another one is about to begin. My last day of work was on Monday but yesterday I received my final paycheck and it is just now hitting me how much I'm going to miss working and some of my former co-workers.
A lot of people have also asked me why I decided to quit instead of just taking maternity leave, well here is the explanation... I am due Nov. 27th and if took leave it would be about 6 weeks long, therefore putting me back to work in January, which wouldn't be a problem if we weren't PCSing in February. So basically I don't see the point in going back to work for a week or 2, only to be moving and having to quit anyways.
After working with for that company for almost a year I've made some very good friends, and I am going to miss them very much. Lucky for me we have a few more months before we have to say our official goodbyes.
Looking forward to the new chapter in my life, I am SOOOOOOO ready to have this baby. I'm 38 weeks and 4 days, and as any other pregnant woman may know, I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable and just plain tired. As much as I would love to play with Lilly, all I want to do most of the time is sleep. So everyone keep your fingers crossed for me and lets all hope that this baby decides to make an appearance soon!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (38 Weeks)
- How far along? 38w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 15 lbs.
- Maternity clothes? Everything except one pair of jeans and i still have to wear my bella band with them.
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: Good whenever I don't get heartburn.
- Best moment this week: Hanging out with our friends this past weekend. It was a pretty good time.
- Miss Anything? Being able to go upstairs without running out of breath, sitting comfortably, CAFFINE! the list goes on and on.
- Movement: A lot of strong ones... he's definitly running out of room.
- Food cravings: Hot Chocolate.
- Food aversions: Barbecue
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: the baby is starting to drop... so lots of pressure.
- Symptoms: Too many to type.
- Belly Button in or out? half way out, seriously.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: HAVING THIS BABY!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (37 Weeks)
- How far along? 37w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 14 lbs.
- Maternity clothes? Pretty much everything except my work uniform
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: some nights are better than others.
- Best moment this week: Taking Lilly trick-or-treating and the wonderful baby shower my friends threw for me.
- Miss Anything? Being comfortable for more than 2 seconds.
- Movement: Not as much but I feel it a lot more.
- Food cravings: Sweets... good things its almost Halloween.
- Food aversions: Barbecue
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: Too many to type.
- Belly Button in or out? Still in.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: My last week of work... I'm ready to sit down and relax for a little while.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I hope that everyone had a fun day. Lilly has been talking about Trick-or-Treating for the past week so she was very excited for today. We had our pumpkins all carved and Mr.W even got in the spirit and dressed up as superman! I wore my shirt while we were walking around and I got some pretty mixed reviews. Some people thought it was really cool and creepy, others looked at me like I had just shot their dogs or something. But Lilly stole the show as a little monster.
Our neighborhood was kind of a bust last year so we went to one of the others on post and withing the first 30 minutes half the houses were already out of candy. Lilly was having fun getting what she could though and after every house was telling us how she had more candy. She started telling us about an hour in that it was her "favorite".
Thankfully, I decided to check my facebook on the way home and found out that a bunch of people in our neighborhood were still loaded and looking for kids to give candy to, so the last 20 minutes of Trick-or-Treating we just stayed close to home and Lilly got over HALF her candy on just 3 streets! She made out pretty well and was really happy when we let her have some when we got home.
♥ I love my little monster ♥
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (36 Weeks)
- How far along? 36w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 13 lbs.
- Maternity clothes? For the most part.
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: Pretty good lately, but I think its just the lack of previous sleep catching up to me.
- Best moment this week: Getting everyone their costumes for Halloween tomorrow!
- Miss Anything? being comfortable for more than 2 seconds.
- Movement: Still a lot, but less than usual. He is running out of room.
- Food cravings: Sweets... good things its almost Halloween.
- Food aversions: Barbecue
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: Heartburn, Braxton Hicks,
- Belly Button in or out? Still in.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Halloween and taking Lilly Trick-or-Treating.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Fancy Finds Friday #3
So I know I haven't done one in a while but I did some shopping these last few weeks and here are some of the things that I found... Just a heads up its mostly baby/kids stuff.
1. Foodles
Saw these at walmart the other day and though they were just too cute, mostly because Lilly loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
2. Penguin Hat

Saw this hat in Claire's and once again it made me think of Lilly and her love for penguins or as she calls them "whoa-whoa's"
3. Packers Hoodie
Need I say more?
4. Football Blanket
Found this on BabiesRUs... since we are a football family I found this to be insanely cute!
5. Sally Hansen Nail Effects (Halloween)

I'm particularly fond of the bats and jack o' lantern faces.
6. iPhone Case/wallet
Since I have an iPhone this would make things so much easier for me.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (35 Weeks)
- How far along? 35w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 12 lbs
- Maternity clothes? For the most part.
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: A distant memory.
- Best moment this week: Taking Lilly to the pumpkin farm to get our pumpkins.
- Miss Anything? NOT feeling like poop all the time
- Movement: Oodles
- Food cravings: Pasta
- Food aversions: Nothing in particular
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: Please see previous post.
- Belly Button in or out? Still in, but I have another month left so i think it might pop.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Fall Fest on post. It will be nice to get out of the house and enjoy the weather.
Had to wear my new jersey in honor of another great Packers win!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (34 Weeks)
- How far along? 34w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 12 lbs
- Maternity clothes? Most of the time.
- Stretch marks? No new ones.
- Sleep: Pretty good aside from 3 a.m. heartburn and painful hits to the ribs.
- Best moment this week: Getting all ready for Halloween
- Miss Anything? Being comfortable
- Movement: Oodles
- Food cravings: Spicy stuff... I"m not supposed to have it being pregnant but anything that is spicy just sounds so good!
- Food aversions: Nothing in particular
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, The need to pee every 10 seconds, heartburn, leg cramps, insomnia, I could go on for days.
- Belly Button in or out? Still in, but I have another month left so i think it might pop.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Staying busy at work this week, it will make it go by faster!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Photo Friday #2
I know it's late in the day / really early the next day but I wanted to share some of my pictures from this week.
1. Lilly having fun at breakfast.
2. Our poor puppy when he was ill.
3. My FAVORITE Halloween treat.
4. Feeling festive with some new nails.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (33 Weeks)
- How far along? 33w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
- Maternity clothes? Most of the time.
- Stretch marks? Nothing new.
- Sleep: I've had better.
- Best moment this week: Going to the fair and spending some time with my family
- Miss Anything? Painting my own toenails.
- Movement: So much
- Food cravings: Still Mexican, I have yet to get get my fix.
- Food aversions: Pizza... I'm all pizza'd out!
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: almost all of them!
- Belly Button in or out? In, but its pops when I push around it.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Nothing in particular, Just wanna see how the week pans out.
Monday, October 8, 2012
So the last week has been pretty busy. Mr.W and I have had some crazy hours at work so by time we get home we are just drained. Plus our poor puppy hasn't been feeling well the last few days. So when we haven't been at work we've been trying to help him feel better.which wasn't so easy because he wasn't eating or drinking on his own. But yesterday he started drinking and today he finally started eating! So we are hoping that he is on the up and up after this weekend.
Friday Me, Mr.W, Lilly, and Ashley all went to the fair with was lots of fun but really exhausting. Lilly loved seeing all the animals except for the chickens and even got to go on some rides with Mr.W and Ashley... I got to the be big fat prego who stands there and holds everybody's stuff while they were on the ride.

Today is our one day off this week. So we are having some much needed family time. Tomorrow me and Baby #2 have our monthly checkup and on Wednesday I work and Mr.W starts all his stuff to get us on the road out of Louisiana.
Today is our one day off this week. So we are having some much needed family time. Tomorrow me and Baby #2 have our monthly checkup and on Wednesday I work and Mr.W starts all his stuff to get us on the road out of Louisiana.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (32 Weeks)
- How far along? 32w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
- Maternity clothes? Most of the time.
- Stretch marks? Nothing new.
- Sleep: Bahaha...thats funny :P
- Best moment this week: Having a successful first week of potty training Lilly!
- Miss Anything? Being able to tie my shoes
- Movement: When isn't he moving?
- Food cravings: Mexican...and not fake "taco bell" Mexican, REAL Mexican
- Food aversions: anything with lots of tomato...(ex. spaghetti, pizza, etc.)
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Not Really
- Symptoms: almost all of them!
- Belly Button in or out? In, but its pops when I push around it.
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: The weather getting even nicer. I love fall!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
4 More Years
So yesterday Mr.W made a huge commitment that will change our lives for the next 4 years.
He took his oath and officially re-enlisted.
I'm so proud of him and of the decisions he has made to support our family. We are so lucky for the opportunity we are receiving to go to Italy, seeing as we would probably never get to do something like this if it weren't for the Army. I'm very excited for the years to come and the adventures that come along with it!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Jumpy, Jittery, And Just Plain Nervous
For the past few months I couldn't help but think about how uncertain our future was. Mr.W was getting out of the army, we were having another baby, and no plan on where to go or what to do after the army. we had about 6 months to figure it all out.
Well that problem is solved. Mr.W has decided he wants to re-enlist, which I am absolutely fine with. So at least now I know that Mr.W will have a secure job for the next 4 years. However, what I am still trying to wrap my head around is where we are going in about 5 months...
Yep. We will be PCSing to Camp Ederle in Vicenza, Italy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to be able to go somewhere that we could only dream of going before. But I'm very nervous at the same time. We have NEVER PCSed before let alone moved internationally. So along with the normal stress of moving with a 2 year old and a newborn, we have to worry about transporting our car, our belongings, and ourselves. We have to get passports and visas, new licenses just so we can drive our car, makes sure our pets are up to date on shot and have multiple copies of their records, and so much more.
Maybe I'm over thinking all of this or maybe I'm in the right to be so nervous about all of this. its just nerve wrecking to know all the things we need to do with only 5 months to do it and no official orders yet.
Someone HELP ME!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (31 Weeks)
- How far along? 31w 0d
- Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
- Maternity clothes? Most of the time.
- Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
- Sleep: Would be great if my back wasn't bothering me :P
- Best moment this week: Having a successful first week of potty training Lilly!
- Miss Anything? Being generally comfortable
- Movement: Oh yeah!
- Food cravings: Anything spicy. I know I shouldn't but its seriously the only thing that tastes good.
- Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Nope, just some braxton hicks.
- Symptoms: It would be easier to list the ones I'm not having.
- Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Having some time off with the family this weekend.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Fancy Finds Friday #2
More things I have discovered to be share worthy these past couple of weeks...
1. Military Wife Life
I have found this blog to be funny and really enjoy it. She talks about everything military, its not just branch specific (which I love) so to all the other military spouses out there give it a look you might find it as enjoyable as I do.
2. Halloween Costume
Now I understand that not everybody may find this very funny, but keep in mind that its for HALLOWEEN
and considering that I will be a month away from my due date by then i thought this would be a pretty clever costume.
3. Furby
I had one of these as a kid and recently found out that they are being re-released with some new upgrades that will make them interactive with iPhones and iPads. Only downside is they are running about $50+
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tummy Tuesday (30 Weeks)
I know its a day late... but better late than never right?
- How far along? 30w 1d
- Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
- Maternity clothes? Yep :D
- Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
- Sleep: Much better now that I have a body pillow, now if only the leg cramps would ease up
- Best moment this week: Spending some quality time with Lillian
- Miss Anything? Breathing.
- Movement: More than ever.
- Food cravings: Mexican food. Yummm.
- Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
- Gender: Boy.
- Labor Signs: Nope.
- Symptoms: tired as always with a quickly growing belly
- Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
- Wedding rings on or off? On.
- Looking forward to: Mr.W coming home from the field :)
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