For the past few months I couldn't help but think about how uncertain our future was. Mr.W was getting out of the army, we were having another baby, and no plan on where to go or what to do after the army. we had about 6 months to figure it all out.
Well that problem is solved. Mr.W has decided he wants to re-enlist, which I am absolutely fine with. So at least now I know that Mr.W will have a secure job for the next 4 years. However, what I am still trying to wrap my head around is where we are going in about 5 months...
Yep. We will be PCSing to Camp Ederle in Vicenza, Italy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to be able to go somewhere that we could only dream of going before. But I'm very nervous at the same time. We have NEVER PCSed before let alone moved internationally. So along with the normal stress of moving with a 2 year old and a newborn, we have to worry about transporting our car, our belongings, and ourselves. We have to get passports and visas, new licenses just so we can drive our car, makes sure our pets are up to date on shot and have multiple copies of their records, and so much more.
Maybe I'm over thinking all of this or maybe I'm in the right to be so nervous about all of this. its just nerve wrecking to know all the things we need to do with only 5 months to do it and no official orders yet.
Someone HELP ME!
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