Saturday, September 8, 2012

Losing it.

I'm having one of those days where it just seems like I'm losing my marbles.

It seems like Lilly no longer wants to listen to anything I tell her anymore. If I tell her to eat her dinner she just whines and makes faces and runs away, HOWEVER if Mr.W tells her to do something she says "okay daddy" and gets right to it. I know she is only 2 but I don't know what happened that I no longer have any authority over her anymore. 

And for about the millionth time today I have thought of something that needed to be done, gone to do that thing and then forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

 ~ I wanted a drink, so I walked to the kitchen, and then forgot why I had gone to the kitchen. 
~ cleaning bathroom, go to get Windex for mirror, forgot what i was looking for in cabinet.
~ Start typing a post, save it to go pick up Mr.W from work, forget to publish post.

I'm losing my mind and it keeps happening more and more!

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