After saying "see you later" with Mr. W, the kids and I drove up to Michigan, with the help of my wonderful mother-in-law, who was a HUGE help along the way. We decided it was the best thing to do until we got Logan's passport, which came in not too long after we got here. Once the travel arrangements were made we made the best of our situation and decided to make it fun.
Around the first week we were here the area got hit by a snow storm leaving us with about 2-3 feet of snow. Once it had settled we took Lilly out and let her play. She had so much fun helping us "scoop" and she got to wear herself out just climbing around and making snow angels.

Lilly even got to play her first real game of bowling! She had so much fun rolling the ball down the lane, she even got her own little bowling shoes.

This past weekend My mother-in-law took us up to a little town called Eagle River where tons of deer just herd in this little roadside park and you can feed them and just observe. So we got some corn and gave them a treat. Lilly was so excited to be up close and personal with the deer.

A few days later we found an area of Lake Superior that was frozen over and had the prettiest waves so stopped and wondered out on the ice to see it up close. It was amazing.

This coming we will be celebrating my 22nd birthday and will also be going to feed the deer one last time, and then next week we will be off to Italy to join Mr. W!
I an looking forward to what this new adventure has in store.
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