Saturday, September 29, 2012

4 More Years

So yesterday Mr.W made a huge commitment that will change our lives for the next 4 years.
He took his oath and officially re-enlisted.

I'm so proud of him and of the decisions he has made to support our family. We are so lucky for the opportunity we are receiving to go to Italy, seeing as we would probably never get to do something like this if it weren't for the Army. I'm very excited for the years to come and the adventures that come along with it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jumpy, Jittery, And Just Plain Nervous

For the past few months I couldn't help but think about how uncertain our future was. Mr.W was getting out of the army, we were having another baby, and no plan on where to go or what to do after the army. we had about 6 months to figure it all out.

Well that problem is solved. Mr.W has decided he wants to re-enlist, which I am absolutely fine with. So at least now I know that Mr.W will have a secure job for the next 4 years. However, what I am still trying to wrap my head around is where we are going in about 5 months...


Yep. We will be PCSing to Camp Ederle in Vicenza, Italy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to be able to go somewhere that we could only dream of going before. But I'm very nervous at the same time. We have NEVER PCSed before let alone moved internationally. So along with the normal stress of moving with a 2 year old and a newborn, we have to worry about transporting our car, our belongings, and ourselves. We have to get passports and visas, new licenses just so we can drive our car, makes sure our pets are up to date on shot and have multiple copies of their records, and so much more. 

Maybe I'm over thinking all of this or maybe I'm in the right to be so nervous about all of this. its just nerve wrecking to know all the things we need to do with only 5 months to do it and no official orders yet.

Someone HELP ME!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tummy Tuesday (31 Weeks)

  • How far along? 31w 0d
  • Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Most of the time.
  • Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
  • Sleep: Would be great if my back wasn't bothering me :P
  • Best moment this week: Having a successful first week of potty training Lilly!
  • Miss Anything? Being generally comfortable
  • Movement: Oh yeah!
  • Food cravings: Anything spicy. I know I shouldn't but its seriously the only thing that tastes good.
  • Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
  • Gender: Boy.
  • Labor Signs: Nope, just some braxton hicks.
  • Symptoms: It would be easier to list the ones I'm not having.
  • Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to: Having some time off with the family this weekend.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fancy Finds Friday #2

More things I have discovered to be share worthy these past couple of weeks...

1. Military Wife Life

I have found this blog to be funny and really enjoy it. She talks about everything military, its not just branch specific (which I love) so to all the other military spouses out there give it a look you might find it as enjoyable as I do.

2. Halloween Costume

Now I understand that not everybody may find this very funny, but keep in mind that its for HALLOWEEN
and considering that I will be a month away from my due date by then i thought this would be a pretty clever costume.

3. Furby
Purple Pink color Furby 2012

I had one of these as a kid and recently found out that they are being re-released with some new upgrades that will make them interactive with iPhones and iPads. Only downside is they are running about $50+

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tummy Tuesday (30 Weeks)

I know its a day late... but better late than never right?

  • How far along? 30w 1d
  • Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Yep :D
  • Stretch marks? None that I didn't have already
  • Sleep: Much better now that I have a body pillow, now if only the leg cramps would ease up
  • Best moment this week: Spending some quality time with Lillian
  • Miss Anything? Breathing.
  • Movement: More than ever.
  • Food cravings: Mexican food. Yummm.
  • Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
  • Gender: Boy.
  • Labor Signs: Nope.
  • Symptoms: tired as always with a quickly growing belly
  • Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to: Mr.W coming home from the field :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Photo Friday #1

First of all I just wanna say...
Way To Go Packers
 on their 23-10 win over Chicago yesterday!

Anyways here are my favorite pictures from the past 2 weeks.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nesting vs Productive

I'm not 100% sure which one it is or maybe its a combination of both, but I've been getting a lot of stuff done lately and I must say, I'm proud of myself!

In the past few days, while I've not had to work, I have managed to do all the laundry in the house, reorganize my kitchen cabinets, laundry room, and bedroom closet. As well as get an oil change in the car, move Baby #2's bassinet upstairs to our bedroom, and do general cleaning around the house.

I have to admit, its nice to stay busy while Mr.W is away and knowing that he'll appreciate it when he gets home makes it even better!

On another note...
while I was at the store today I noticed that they were beginning to put out all the Halloween stuff which got me thinking... what should Lilly be this year?

Her first Halloween she was a spider
Her second she was a batty ballerina
Anybody have any suggestions?

oh and I found what I'm gonna wear for Halloween...

Oh and one last thing...
Go Pack Go!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mom, Mommy, Mama!

Anyone who has a toddler or young child knows what I'm talking about. Lilly for whatever reason finds it necessary to update me, Mr.W, and whoever else might be around, on what is happening on a moment to moment basis.

"Mommy, They are playing football"
"Mommy, Lilly's hungry"
"Mommy, Rocko is sleeping"

And if you ignore her the first time she says your name it turns into "mommy, mommy, mommy, mom, mom, mom..." You get the picture.

I love Lilly to death, but I want to know... does it ever end?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tummy Tuesday (29 weeks)

  • How far along? 29w 0d.
  • Total weight gain: About 11 lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Yes. Its finally cooled down enough that I can wear them comfortably. I even bought some new stuff!
  • Stretch marks? Nothing new.
  • Sleep: Great! Its so cool at night I just sleep with the window open and not be boiling out of my skin!
  • Best moment this week: Going to the Doctor and checking up on baby... He seems to be doing pretty good.
  • Miss Anything? Being comfortable for more the 2 minutes
  • Movement: More than ever.
  • Food cravings: Pasta!
  • Food aversions: Nothing in particular.
  • Gender: Boy.
  • Labor Signs: Nope.
  • Symptoms: tired as always with a quickly growing belly
  • Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to: Spending more time with Lilly on my days off.
  • Not Looking Forward to: Mr.W being in the field :(

11 years ago today... Never Forget.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Losing it.

I'm having one of those days where it just seems like I'm losing my marbles.

It seems like Lilly no longer wants to listen to anything I tell her anymore. If I tell her to eat her dinner she just whines and makes faces and runs away, HOWEVER if Mr.W tells her to do something she says "okay daddy" and gets right to it. I know she is only 2 but I don't know what happened that I no longer have any authority over her anymore. 

And for about the millionth time today I have thought of something that needed to be done, gone to do that thing and then forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

 ~ I wanted a drink, so I walked to the kitchen, and then forgot why I had gone to the kitchen. 
~ cleaning bathroom, go to get Windex for mirror, forgot what i was looking for in cabinet.
~ Start typing a post, save it to go pick up Mr.W from work, forget to publish post.

I'm losing my mind and it keeps happening more and more!

Fancy Finds Friday

I know its not Friday anymore but i started typing it on Friday. Anywho...Since I've come down with prego brain and can never think of things to write, I thought I would share some of the nifty things that I have found this week.

MyFonts: the world's largest collection of fonts
This website is great if your looking for a font for pretty much any occasion. I mainly use it for my scrapbooking. It give me so may great choices for title fonts.

2. Lilly's New Shoes
Got them for $5 at the PX!

3. Yankee Candle "Farmers Market"
This is pretty much my FAVORITE smell for fall. Last year it's all I burnt in our house and I seriously wish scentsy had a similar fragrance!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tummy Tuesday (28 Weeks)

  • How far along? 28w 0d.
  • Total weight gain: About 9 lbs... That's right I LOST 2 lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Wore my pants a couple times but got super hot :P
  • Stretch marks? same old ones from before
  • Sleep: Ugh. Between Sharing a Bed with my 2 year old for 3 nights and this one kicking me all night... sleep is not in my vocabulary right now.
  • Best moment this week: Getting away from Fort Polk for the weekend and spending some time with family.
  • Miss Anything? Nothing new.
  • Movement: Yessssss
  • Food cravings: Nothing in particular
  • Food aversions: Things that I, personally, do not have to cook
  • Gender: Boy.
  • Labor Signs: Nope.
  • Symptoms: TIRED with slight pregnancy brain.
  • Belly Button in or out? In (its a mile deep)
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to: Going to the Doctor and checking up on baby.
  • Not Looking Forward to: My glucose test on Thursday... YUCK