Monday, November 29, 2010

8 Months!

Lillian is eight months old today and I can hardly believe it!

Lillian's 8 Month Stats:
  • She is wearing size 3 diapers
  • She is finally fitting into 6-9 months clothes (and people think she is big for her age)
  • She cut her first tooth and LOVES to bite with it
  • She is a pro at crawling and have recently figured out how to do a speed crawl.
  • She has figured out how to pull herself up to standing and has figured out how to get down from standing (without) falling.
  • She's started eating REAL food (a.k.a. Non- pureed) She especially likes blueberry snack puffs, Mac n' Cheese and pretty much anything she sees me eating.
  • She eats 3-4 Six-ounce bottles a day, depending on how much other food she has.
  • She holds her own bottle when she eats and still tries to figure out how to eat it without laying on her back.
  • She takes 2 naps a day about an hour and a half long each
  • She still sleeps from 9 p.m. - 8 a.m. sometimes longer, but I'm definitely not complaining
  • She has taken a sudden interest in on of her blankets. She barely used it before I got it as a distraction and now she is in love with it.
It has been an exciting month and Mr. W and I can't wait to see what happens in the months to come. We love you baby girl.
Lovin My Life as A Mommy and Army Wife

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy ( Belated ) Turkey Day

So I would like to make a list of things that I am thankful for this year:
  • My amazing husband
  • My beautiful daughter
  • My wonderful friends & family
  • My health
  • And the great support I've been getting with this deployment
This year Lilly and I watched the parade with some friends who came over for breakfast of pancakes and bacon... YUMMMMMM. After that we had a nap break for the kids, which was also when we got ready for dinner. Then we all went to my friends church for dinner. IT WAS AMAZING. Lilly really like it too. It was her first time having REAL turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. It was fun.
    Lovin My Life as A Mommy and Army Wife

      Tuesday, November 23, 2010

      Eleven Months To Go

      Today makes for the one month mark of Mr.W's deployment.
      Only eleven months to go until he is done.

      only 1 more day until 

      I'm looking forward to spending some time with one of my good friend. She will be coming to watch the parade with her boys and then we will be going to eat dinner! It looks to be a fun filled day.

      Which means only 23 days left until Lilly and I leave for Michigan.
      I'm extra excited now that my FABULOUS mother-in-law has told me of the recent accumulation of snow! I'm sooooo looking forward to having a white Christmas!

      OH so big news on Miss Lillian... She is getting her First tooth! Its kind of hard to see but it finally broke through! And she can pull herself up onto things and actually stand, the only bad part is she still hasn't figured out how to get down other than to fall, so she'll usually just stand there and cry until I go help her get back down. But she is slowly figuring it out.

      On another note Mr. W's care package is still sitting on my kitchen table. When I last talked to him and asked where he was he said "Somewhere... I don't really know." yeah so who knows when he'll actually get his little box from home. I couldn't help but laugh when a majority of our conversation was about the Packers vs Vikings game on Sunday...

      Go Pack Go!

      30-3 WIN

      Wednesday, November 17, 2010

      Three Weeks Down

      So I have been slacking with blogging. I've been super busy with Lilly since Mr. W left for his deployment.
      Lilly crawls now and she is absolutely EVERYWHERE!!!

      And on top of that she is having some separation anxiety from Mr. W leaving, add some teething on top of that with a hint of neediness and that's what I've been dealing with while trying to do almost anything including cooking, laundry, dishes, driving, paying bills online/on the phone, or even just trying to have a simple conversation with anyone... It has been quite crazy, but I love her so she is worth all the frustration.

      This by the way has been the LONGEST three weeks of my entire life! It feels like it has been so much longer!

      On another note:
      37 Days Until Christmas
      Which also means...
      29 Days Until We Leave For Michigan

      Yep That's right we are going to spend Christmas and New Years in Michigan with our family. We are looking forward to the snow, cold, and seeing everyone again. We are really excited to take Lilly sledding for the first time and to watch her open all of her first Christmas presents. She's never been in such a cold place so I'm hoping the trip goes well.

      After all of that we are coming home for a week or two and then going to Florida for a bit to visit more family.
      It's looking to be a very exciting time us.

      And with all of this I know that time will go by quickly
      which is good and bad at the time...
      Good because it's closer to when we get to see Mr. W again,
      Bad because it will feel like our family time has gone by too quickly.

      Lilly is crying for my attention (I guess nap time is over) So I'm off to mommy world once again.

      Lovin My Life as A Mommy and Army Wife