Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It's hard not to get excited knowing that Mr.W will be home before we know it. I want to plan all the thing we are gonna do and have everything prepared for him, but this can be hard to do when you don't know the exact date that he is going to be here. So I just have to be patient.

just knowing how much longer it is going to be makes a day feel like a week and a week feel like a months sometimes... time has never gone by so slowly in my entire life. I am doing the best I can to keep my self busy to make the time go by more quickly but that doesn't always do the trick, some things don't seem to take as long as they used to...

Laundry used to take all day now its only seems like a few hours,
Dishes went from a half an hour to 15 minutes,
general pick up around the house went from an hour to 30 minutes,

The saying is time flies when your having fun, so maybe I should try to do some more fun things instead of doing chores! any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I love to make random little nick nacks when I'm bored, I just found a blog with a whole bunch of cute ideas. :)

    Also, cooking and baking definitely makes time go by like crazy for me. I suggest

    Or just sitting down with an wonderful book? I haven't read any that have seriously sparked my interest, but I'll let you know if I'm come by any. :)
    Hang in there, dear! Can't wait til I see you and Lilly again! <3
